Share-Net International and the working group on Gender-based Violence (GBV) is pleased to invite you for a day-long interactive event on addressing social norms to eradicate gender-based violence on the 8th of December, 2016 at the Humanity House in the Hague.
Social norms play a central role in shaping societal beliefs around acceptable behaviour regarding gender. We witness the growing transition, both in interventions and policy alike to ensure that these underlying harmful gender norms which perpetuate GBV are addressed. This requires innovative ways of creating new shared societal beliefs which would in turn change behavior. This is a complex process dealing with moralities, and hence challenges arise in conceptualization, implementation and the measurement of such norm/behaviour change.
If reading this makes your eyes shine and your heart beat faster, we invite you to come engage in the discussion!
Click here for the Invitation Share-Net Expert Meeting Gender-based Violence
Click here for the Resource List Gender-based Violence
Kindly RSVP by 5th of December by visiting the registration form.
Voices: Perspectives on Development, World Bank blog