On the 27th of August 2020, the virtual final conference of the NWO-WOTRO SRHR research programme (focus Bangladesh, Burundi & Jordan) took place, organised with Share-Net International and MannionDaniels. The theme was ‘Listen to us’, Voices of youth on SRHR from Bangladesh, Burundi and Jordan.
Young people want to be actively involved in shaping the future of their sexual and reproductive health and rights. As policymakers, researchers, human rights advocates, and public health practitioners – we need to empower their participation. This was the key finding of research carried out by NWO-WOTRO Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Programme, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The research supported twelve projects across three countries.
Infographics on the results of the research programmes can be accessed via the following links:
Researchers from Bangladesh, Burundi and Jordan joined the conference to:
Participants from different countries and organisations, coming from knowledge institutes and organisations such as the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WHO, IDRC, Cordaid, Hivos, KIT, Rutgers, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, Nuffic, GirlsNotBrides and Dance4Life participated!
More information on the research programmes can be found here.