Getting on the Fast Track: Advocacy Priorities for the Global HIV & Human Rights Responses with Gay & Bisexual Men

External Resource

21/07/2017 12:00 am

Share-Net Digital Platform

The publication, “Getting on the Fast Track: Advocacy Priorities for the Global HIV & Human Rights Responses with Gay & Bisexual Men” carefully details next steps for coordinated action on reaching global targets in the HIV epidemic. The paper prioritizes four key issues:

  • International Funding & Domestic Investment
  • National Targets & Commitments
  • Human Rights Violations & Structural Barriers
  • Combination Prevention, Testing, and Treatment & Holistic Sexual Health Programming

Challenges in meeting these global targets are exacerbated by insufficient engagement of men who have sex with men in policy planning processes at the country, regional, and global levels.  Unless the unceasing epidemic among this key population is addressed with targeted, evidence-based, and human rights-affirming interventions, we risk undermining gains that have already been made in reaching global HIV targets.

MSMGF, together with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (with representatives from UNAIDS Secretariat, UNDP, UNFPA, the World Bank, and WHO), established The Global Advocacy Platform to Fast-track the HIV and Human Rights Responses With Gay and Bisexual Men. The Platform is a network of global and regional experts who provide guidance to UN agencies, global donors such as the Global Fund & PEPFAR, and other stakeholders. The Platform was formed in recognition that the HIV responses for MSM must be accelerated and scaled-up to reach global targets for ending the epidemic. In addition to efforts towards achieving the UNAIDS 2020 and 2030 targets, The Platform works in partnership with in collaboration with grassroots advocates and the Consortium of MSM and Transgender Networks to take an active role in elevating the sexual health and human rights concerns of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in the context of the global HIV response.

During a meeting in Bangkok earlier this March, The Platform met to build upon priority issues identified by the Consortium of MSM and Transgender Networks. This new publication illuminates the position of the Platform on four advocacy priorities identified during this convening in Bangkok, and offers examples of messaging, potential partners, and data necessary to coordinate action.

Click here to download “Getting on the Fast Track: Advocacy Priorities for the Global HIV & Human Rights Responses with Gay & Bisexual Men”

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