The purpose of this document is to describe what is known about the expansion of President Trump’s Global Gag Rule (GGR) and analyze how, based on previous versions, this could hinder ongoing and/or new efforts to provide sexual and reproductive health services. We also hope to provide some guidance on what IAWG members do and do not need to do as GGR is implemented across global health assistance.
The Global Gag Rule”, also called the Mexico City Policy, is a U.S. policy that conditions the eligibility of foreign NGOs for assistance from the U.S. government on their agreement not to engage in abortion-related activities. The Global Gag Rule denies foreign organizations receiving U.S. funding the right to use their own funds for the provision, counselling, or referral for abortion services, or advocacy for liberalization of abortion laws. Put in place by President Reagan, it has been rescinded by every Democratic president and re-instated by every Republican president for over 30 years.
Document: The Global Gag Rule – June 12 2017