Report Share-Net Round Table: Promising Practices: Linking Students and NGOs

Internal Resource

16/02/2016 12:00 am

Share-Net Digital Platform

There are indications that student-NGO collaborations are taking off among Share-Net members. This positive development brings up new questions, such as how to regulate such collaborations through a set of guidelines that can be used by NGOs and universities to streamline their communication.

To address these questions, the Share-Net round table ‘Promising Practices: Linking students and NGOs’ was organised to discuss promising practices of student-NGO collaborations, including its challenges and lessons learned, in order to develop a set of guidelines that can be used by NGOs and universities.

The promising practices were pitched by the NGOs and discussed from three perspectives: the NGO, the university/supervisor, and the student. The pitches were filmed and two of them – Oxfam Novib Academy and UvA-STOP AIDS NOW! – can be found below:

Pitch 1: Oxfam Novib Academy


The round table took place at Oxfam Novib, the Hague, on November 26th 2015, and was organised by the Share-Net Netherlands working group ‘Linking research, policy and practice’.

Publication file: application-pdf report_round_table_promising_practices_student-ngo_collaborations_2015_final.pdf

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