MSI Reproductive Choices have made persons with disabilities an important segment of their global agenda: Leave No One Behind.
The MSI 2030 Strategy3 commits to placing a strong focus on reaching adolescents, those living in extreme poverty and marginalised communities who have little or no access to public sexual reproductive health (SRH) services.
A key objective of the strategy is closing the SRHR gap for all, ensuring that everyone is only one contact away from a safe high-quality service. The Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) programme, the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s flagship programme which aims to strengthen SRHR across 27 countries in Asia and Africa, sets Leaving No One Behind as a strategic priority, which MSI’s 2030 Strategy is fully aligned with.
The WISH programme contributes towards this agenda by reaching women with disabilities whose needs have previously largely been unmet through family planning and SRH service provision. One of the main components of WISH is to ensure that project interventions are disability-inclusive. This is so that clients with disabilities can access high-quality adequate SRHR services, and are included in mobilisation strategies, in a context of informed consent and safeguarding.
The WISH programme is implemented through two consortium structures (called Lots). This report focuses on WISH Lot 1, implemented from 2018 to 2023, in West and Central Africa, and led by MSI Reproductive Choices with eight of its country programmes, six IPPF member associations, Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD), who was replaced by Sightsavers in April 2023 as the technical disability lead, DKT, Ipas, Options, and ThinkPlace.
Read the full report here.