Four new CoPs Launched in Burkina Faso!


September 26, 2022

Share-Net Burkina Faso

In September 2022, Share-Net Burkina Faso launched four new communities of practices (CoPs) on pressing SRHR topics, with their host organisation SOS Jeunesse et Défis. The launch event was well attended, with a mission from the Netherlands and other key players in SRHR, national professional organizations fighting against drug use, GBV, the private sector and the ministries in charge of health, gender, education, youth, security and justice, all in attendance. The new CoPs are:

  • SRHR of Adolescents and Young People
  • Safe Abortion: Safe termination of Pregnancy according to the Law
  • Gender Based Violence
  • Drug use and SRHR

Those new CoPs will implement activities and strategies to improve policies and practices on those topics in Burkina Faso, and is part of a dynamic strengthening SRHR policies and practices and key SRHR actors. As a reminder, communities of practice are groups of individuals who have common interests and objectives. These groups can meet virtually or face-to-face to share, discuss issues or opportunities, or best practices to review lessons learned.

You can Read more in French on the Share-Net Burkina Faso website.

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