Presentations briefing session CSW/CPD/post2015 – Share-Net

Internal Resource

01/03/2015 12:00 am

Share-Net Digital Platform

In 2016, the new 2030 Agenda with the SDGs has formally started, including strong commitments to improve SRHR and gender equality globally. Although the 2030 Agenda was adopted in September 2015, a number of crucial factors still remain unknown and to be negotiated. These include the accountability framework for the new agenda and the indicators which will decide how progress will be determined. A number of meetings in 2016 will determine the final decisions on these. Moreover, the CSW and CPD meetings, respectively taking place in March and April 2016, will contain important discussions on the urgent actions that are necessary to realize the strong commitments to SRHR and gender equality.

On the 16th of February a briefing session was organised by Share-Net, Rutgers and Wo=Men where civil society experts who are closely involved in the SDG, CPD and CSW processes presented and discussed with the audience what the new commitments are, and where there is still space to influence outcomes.

Please find attached the presentations and notes from the meeting.

Publication files:

application-pdf 20160216_cpd.pdf
application-pdf 20160216-csw.pdf
application-pdf 20160216-presentation_srhr_gender_equality_in_sdgs.pdf
application-pdf 20160216-sexual_rights_definitions.pdf
application-pdf notes_briefing_session_cdp-csw-post_2015.pdf

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