In the field of the fight against gender-based violence (GBV), UNFPA, since 2019, has been leading the GBV sub-cluster in a humanitarian emergency situation and coordinating the activities of the SSR working group at the System level. United Nations. Many actions are carried out at this level in development situations as well as in humanitarian emergencies, particularly in the North, Sahel, Boucle du Mouhoun and Center North regions. They rely on change agents, the media, religious leaders and civil society organizations.
Despite the efforts made in recent years by the government and its development partners, many challenges persist for the full exercise of rights in matters of sexual and reproductive health and for access to information and quality SRAJ services. and the fight against GBV. Many people do not have access to a range of quality services, in particular services related to pregnancy and prevention, testing and treatment of HIV and other STIs, care GBV. Post-2019 therefore offers Burkina Faso the opportunity to boost the promotion of development and commitments relating to human rights.
Thus, due to its long experience and expertise in these areas, UNFPA benefited from funding from the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the implementation of a project called “Sexual and Reproductive Health Project for Adolescents and Young people in Burkina Faso. As in any normal project management system, a basic study is necessary. This study provides project implementation partners with the necessary information to not only better guide interventions but also better assess the results at the end of the project. This report presents the results of the basic study and is structured around four points: (i) the orientation of the study, (ii) the methodological approach, (iii) the presentation of the results and (iv) conclusion and recommendations.