Information series on sexual and reproductive health and rights – United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Internal Resource

19/04/2016 12:00 am

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Useful 1 pagers on human rights and SRHR , all issues are covered (like LGBTI, abortion, gender inequality, contraceptives & family planning, maternal health etc.) developed by OHCHR.

Women’s sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights, including the right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to privacy, the right to education, and the prohibition of discrimination. Yet, violations of these rights are frequent and take many forms including denial of access to services that only women require, or poor quality services, subjecting women’s access to services to third party authorization, and performance of procedures related to women’s reproductive and sexual health without the woman’s consent, including forced sterilization. There is therefore a pressing need to make clear that sexual and reproductive health is a matter of human rights.

The purpose of the information series is to provide detailed guidance for lawmakers, policymakers, judiciaries, health service providers, civil society and other stakeholders, to support the adoption and effective implementation of laws, policies and programmes to respect, protect and fulfil women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This panel will focus on discussing the legal standards underpinning sexual and reproductive health and rights, good practices from across regions in securing women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, and identify opportunities to advance work and continued advocacy and engagement on this issue.

You can download all of the nine information sheets here :

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