Current Situation of Reproductive Health Programs for Persons with Disabilities

Internal Resource

02/11/2020 12:00 am

Share-Net Digital Platform

The Share-Net Jordan team met with the Assistant Secretary-General for Technical Affairs at the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCRPD), Ms. Ghadeer Al Haris, to talk about a study that she was involved in conducting upon receiving a Share-Net International small grant. Ghadeer was a key member of the team that applied for a grant in 2016 to carry out a study on the current situation of reproductive health programs for persons with disabilities. The study was published in Arabic and English, posted on Share-Net Jordan and Share-Net Internationals website and disseminated to national concerned stakeholders.


The Higher Council for the Affairs of Disabled Persons was established pursuant to the Law on the Rights of Disabled Persons no.31 of 2007 as a public institution headed by His Royal Highness Prince Ra’ad Bin Zaid. Subsequently, under the leadership of Prince Mired Bin Ra’ad, the law was replaced by the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities no.20 of 2017 and the name of the Council was amended to the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. HCRPD serves as the institutional and legal umbrella for persons with disabilities in Jordan, and aims to have a society where persons with disabilities enjoy a decent and sustainable life and grants them effective and equal participation.

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