SRHR in the LGBTIQ+ Population


Share-Net Colombia

CoP Overview and Introduction

The access, enjoyment, and full exercise of sexual and reproductive rights, as well as sexual and reproductive health of the LGBTIQ+ population in Colombia and in the Latin American and Caribbean region continues to be a challenge. The reproduction of social prejudices, asymmetries, inequalities, and violence lead people with diverse sexual orientations, gender expressions and identities, at some point in their lives or recurrently, to face scenarios of exclusion and discrimination.

This situation exacerbates inequalities in access to health services, resulting in higher rates of breast and cervical cancer, HIV infection, and mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide in this population.

In addition, the criminalization of sexual diversity persists in the region, particularly in Central American and Caribbean countries where there are laws that criminalize it with varying degrees and modalities, ranging from 5 to 15 years in prison.

For this reason, from Share-Net Colombia we created this Community of Practice to collectively build actions aimed at reducing stigma and misinformation, the protection of life and human dignity, as well as the generation and translation of knowledge that promote the guarantee of human rights of the LGBTIQ+ population in the country and the region.

CoP Objectives

  • Exchange in frequent meetings knowledge, recent publications, news about political or social context, and other resources with the CoP members, discussing ideas of new translation products or research opportunities related to sexual rights for the LGBTIQ+ people in Colombia.
  • Create, review, and provide feedback on knowledge product proposals like infographics, research proposals, literature reviews, and others.
  • Promote the generation, exchange, appropriation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific evidence on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of the LGBTIQ+ population in order to promote strategies that facilitate indecency in policy, practice and citizen awareness. 

Key CoP Resources or Publications

No resources or publications yet.

Key annual CoP activities

No annual activities planned yet.

Main CoP Information Page

To read more about Share-Net Colombia’s CoP on Abortion and Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption, please visit their main CoP information page.

CoP launch date

The CoP was launched in February 2023

CoP Contact

For more information about the CoP, please contact Maria Salomé Mejía Ochoa, Knowledge Management Analyst –

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Maria Salomé Mejía Ochoa

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