Are you curious about the SRHR knowledge products that have been created following previous Co-Creation Conferences? During the conference, concrete knowledge products are developed to influence SRHR policy and practice at country and international level. All participants, including researchers, practitioners, young people and policymakers, engage in dialogues and are part of the co-creation process for these knowledge products.You can discover some of the finalised knowledge products from our previous editions below.

Sustainable Meaningful Young Participation (MYP)
Letting Meaningful Youth Participation BLOOM! Buy-in and Learning from Outcomes Of MYP examines the lack of adult stakeholder buy-in and the lack of knowledge on implementing MYP in practise, aiming to improve MYP stakeholder buy-in.

COVID-19 and SRHR Services
This knowledge product implements Patient Centred Care (PCC) through making recommendations to policy makers, SRHR program makers, and includes a practical guide on shared-decision making for patients AND for health-workers, that is culturally contexualised and gender sensitive.

Breaking the Silence on Infertility
This Policy Brief is a knowledge product of the infertility track at the 2019 CCC. Although recognis ed as central to reproductive rights, infertility has been neglected within the global SRHR agenda. This knoweldge product showcases various tools for awareness, advocacy and action to help everybody to break the silence and speak up about infertility.

Policy Note: Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Exploring the experiences and Perceptions of mid-adolescents, parents, and teachers on CSE, this multi-country qualitative research study shares concrete policy recommendations and advocacy messages for high level stakeholders, so that CSE becomes part of the school curriculum alongside a better understanding of sexuality education of youth.

SRHR Of Young People With Diverse Gender Identity and Sexuality
The Balanced Stewardship Development Association (BALSDA) released a guideline with Love Matters Kenya, and One Vision Alliance (Aliansi Satuvisi) Indonesia. Following their attendance of the ‘Evidence Based Advocacy’ working group at the 2021 Co-Creation Conference, BALSDA were awarded a Share-Net International Grant to develop the guideline.

SRHR of Young People with Disability
People living with disabilities often depend on their living environment for access to knowledge about sexual and reproductive health rights and this knowledge influences sexual attitudes and practices. This exploratory study aims at identifying the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of young people and adolescents living with disabilities in terms of SRHR in order to advocate for their inclusion in SRHR policies.