Claudia Gallo is a sociologist and majored in cultural studies. As a researcher, she has developed several works and papers on SRHR, this includes titles on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, abortion, access to contraception, and identifying the main needs and gaps to access SRHR in humanitarian crisis scenarios. She has also worked on projects for gender-based violence and violence against women, directly with the communities and supporting processes with women in different areas of Colombia.

Manuela Troncoso is a Lawyer and a political scientist with a solid experience in peace-building processes, peace experiences, armed conflict and human rights' protection, particularly with women and victims of armed conflicts' rights recognition. Her Masters degrees in International Relations and in International Studies have given her a wider perspective to proactively approach numerous scenarios with, and have allowed her to turn plans, into actions and effective solutions at a regional and national level. She has had the privilege to work in different areas including the government, in academia, and in the private sector.

Joris Jurriëns is Head of Unit of the Health Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. He previously served as Deputy Head of Mission at the Netherlands’ embassies in Colombia and in Argentina. Mr Jurriëns also worked as Deputy Crisis Coordinator and Humanitarian Aid Coordinator at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the diplomatic missions of the Netherlands in Brazil, Bolivia and Mozambique.

Ardan Kockelkoren has over 10 years’ experience developing, implementing and monitoring health and education interventions across Africa, Asia, Latin-America and the Middle-east. At Rutgers Ardan is currently facilitating a review of the organization’s CSE strategy with an emphasis on furthering universal access to CSE. Much of Ardan’s work focuses on making interventions sustainable by partnering with and bringing together different types of stakeholders each with their own mandate, expertise and resources, including NGO’s, government institutions, universities and private companies.

Urja Humagain is the General Secretary of YUWA, a youth-led organisation in Nepal empowering youth and strengthening their involvement. She will be talking about the ‘The BLOOM Campaign’ which is one of the knowledge products developed in the last Co-Creation Conference.

Ophelia Chatterjee is an SRHR advisor and researcher who works at KIT Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands. She mainly works on youth SRHR, climate justice, and issues relating to gender.

Blaise is a medical doctor, with a degree from the University of Burundi. He is a blogger and health advocate. Since 2017, he has been part of Yaga Burundi. He is more interested in science communication and translating knowledge into plain language, especially in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In Yaga Burundi, he is mainly in charge of an SRHR project which aims to provide young people with better information, thus giving them freedom of choice about their sexuality, in order to increase the demand for sexual and reproductive health services.

Bella Lucia Nininahazwe is a journalist blogger with eight years of experience and SRHR project coordinator at Yaga Burundi since 2020. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences and a Master's in gender, institutions and society. Interested in human rights and especially women's rights, Bella has done a number of researches either published or not on women's rights, their reproductive health and society topics in general.