Since 2020, Share-Net International began organising an annual international conference on a specific theme. This year, in 2022, its third international co-creation conference (CCC) will have the theme, Engaging in Knowledge Translation Together, organised in collaboration with Share-Net Colombia.
In Burundi, National Communities of Practice (CoPs) have already been established to ensure that information, evidence and challenges are addressed during the conference and practical solutions are put in place after the conference.
This National CoP Narrative Review is one of the expected outcomes of the process and aims to present the state of knowledge and evidence around the theme of SRHR for adolescents and youth in Burundi. This report was produced with the contribution of local organisations involved in SRHR to improve access to SRHR services and information for adolescents and youth in Burundi, including the most vulnerable or hard-to-reach adolescents and youth. The challenges of adolescent sexual and reproductive health are currently recognised by Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims to eradicate HIV infections and provide universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, as well as integrate these services into national strategies.
Accès à l’information de qualités sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive ainsi que les droits y afferant au Burundi
Read the narrative review (in French) here