This year, the theme was Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing lessons for current and future global challenges. Over 1,700 delegates attended HSR2022 (approximately 1,250 in-person and 450 virtual registrations) from around the world!
Share-Net International’s Knowledge Management Expert Kimberley Meijers presented at #HSR2022 as part of the session Power and Participation in Health Systems and Health System Research on the 4th of November 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates a broader global need for the rapid translation of knowledge into policy and practice. Kimberley presented on the application of a new ‘Rapid Improvement Model for Knowledge Translation (CRIM-KT) for SRHR’, implemented within the context of Share-Net International. Experiences with knowledge translation and capacity strengthening in Bangladesh, Burundi, Indonesia and Jordan were shared. The principles of the CRIM-KT can be further developed and applied in other fields than SRHR to strengthen knowledge translation processes.
You can find the presentation of Kimberley Meijers during HSR2022 here: