To make knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) more accessible and convenient for its members, Share-Net Bangladesh has developed the mobile application of its website! The brilliantly integrated app will keep you updated on all recent news, events, job and fund opportunities, and publications on SRHR. The app is now available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Currently Share-Net Bangladesh has more than 1,500 individual members and more than 110 organisational members. Their website is updated regularly with important updates on their activities, and with a variety of interesting and useful content for their members. The posts are all related to SRHR, including research publications, news, events, blogs, funding, grant, and job opportunities, which can be conveniently accessed through the new phone app. By downloading this, members will get instant notifications for the latest posts and information shared.
The app also has the haptic-feedback feature that makes it user friendly for people with vision impairments.
Click the image below or scan the QR code in the image to download the Android version or the IOS (for Apple devices) version as per your device requirement:
Download it today and enjoy the experience! Feel free to share it with your friends or colleagues who might be interested.
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