Call for Partners & Donors: GREAT SRHR Project, Ghana


April 7, 2023


Share-Net International member HACEP-Ghana and AID4Girls are seeking partners and donors for the Gender Roles, Equality and Transformations (GREAT) SRHR Project for Young People in Ghana.

About the Project

The Gender Roles, Equality, and Transformations (GREAT) SRHR project for young people in Ghana. The GREAT project is a youth-focused initiative aimed at promoting gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among young people in several African and Asian countries, including Ghana.

Ghana has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa, with many young people facing barriers to accessing SRHR services due to stigma, lack of knowledge, and cultural barriers. The GREAT SRHR project for young people in Ghana is working to address these challenges by empowering young people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and to access SRHR services without facing stigma or discrimination.

The project uses a range of interventions, including peer education, community dialogues, and the integration of gender-sensitive SRHR services in health facilities. The project also works with parents, teachers, and community leaders to create supportive environments for young people to access SRHR services.

HACEP-Ghana and AID4Girls are seeking partners and donors who share our commitment to promoting gender equality and SRHR for young people in Ghana. By supporting the GREAT SRHR project, you will be helping to create a generation of empowered young people who can contribute to a more equal and just society.

You can read the full project brief here, or contact for more information.

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