Share-Net Knowledge Product Showcase 2024

Share-Net International

Date and time

20/09/2024 3:00 pm GMT+2:00

Share-Net International is hosting the second edition of its Knowledge Product Showcase over two days in September. The KP Showcase is a virtual exhibition where Share-Net Grant recipients from the past year are given the platform to share their newly developed knowledge products!

Each knowledge product is presented through a short film, followed by a Q&A with the creator where audiences can delve deeper into the creation and use of this particular resource. Over the two days, 15 knowledge products are shared over 4 rounds, with each round culminating in a Zoom chat activity where all participants can share their ideas about how these resources can be put into practice!



📅 Day 1 (18th September)

Moderated by Al Albertson, Share-Net Netherlands Content and Communications Officer


15.00- 15.10: Opening

15.10 – 15.15: Welcome address

By Maria Codina, Share-Net International Coordinator

15.15- 16.00: Knowledge Product Presentations & Q&A Discussions
Be Your Daughter’s Superhero (Wreetu, Bangladesh)
Urukundo Board Game (ABEM, Burundi)
Huellas de MalunlanjeAfro-youth, sexuality and empowerment from a territorial approach (Huaitoto Foundation, Colombia)

16.00-16.10: From Product to Practice (Zoom chat activity) 

16.10-16.20: Break (Snapshot of Day 2 presentations)

16.20 -17.05: Knowledge Product Presentations & Q&A Discussions
The Tale of Two Girls (Share-Net Ethiopia)
Identification of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs among LGBTQI, sex workers and drug users (Colibri Sud, Burkina Faso)
Its a Journey: a graphic medicine journey within the endometriosis gender galaxy (Treat it Queer, Netherlands)

17.05-17.15: From Product to Practice (Zoom chat activity) 

17.15-17.30: Wrap-up of day 

By Razan AlAzzah, Share-Net Jordan Researcher


📅 Day 2 (19th September) 

Moderated by Shannon Mathew, Share-Net International Communications Officer


15.00- 15.10: Opening

15.10 – 15.15: Welcome address

By Maria Codina, Share-Net International Coordinator

15.15- 15.25: How well do you know your KPs? Quiz

15.25- 15.55: Knowledge Product Presentations & Q&A Discussions
Reducing Elective Cesarean Sections Without Medical Justifications in Jordan Policy Brief (Share-Net Jordan)
Adoye Mobile Application (Eshet Children and Youth Development Organization (ECYDO), Ethiopia)

15.55-16.00: From Product to Practice (Zoom chat activity) 

16.00-16.10: Break (Looking back on Day 1 presentations)

16.10-16.40: Knowledge Product Presentations & Q&A Discussions
Bridging the gaps – effective sex treatment response for LGBTIA+ communities affected by problematic chemsex as a way towards good sexual health (AFEW International, Netherlands)
The In Real Life project using digital platform (Community Forum, Malawi)

16.40-16.45: From Product to Practice (Zoom chat activity) 

16.45-16.50: Closing Address

By Maria Codina, Share-Net International Coordinator


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