iCoP Gender Based Violence


Share-Net International

iCoP Overview and Introduction

Despite concerted efforts, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) remains a persistent issue within the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). GBV encompasses all harmful acts directed at an individual based on gender and is rooted in gender inequality, unequal power structures, and harmful norms. While the prevalence of varying forms of GBV differs according to context, GBV affects individuals in all societies worldwide. For these reasons, Share-Net International (SNI) members have defined GBV as a priority area. In addition, many activities related to this topic are taking place at the level of individual country hubs. However, we found that knowledge sharing and learning between Share-Net hubs and the Share-Net International members are lacking, therefore channels for this need to be created. There are several GBV communities of practice (CoPs) within the Share-Net hubs, however they are not connected. The knowledge and good practices generated by these CoPs are therefore, not shared, representing a missed opportunity for those working in this area. Therefore, embers of this GBV International CoP (iCoP) will contribute to, discuss, share, use, and have access to evidence and knowledge products that are most relevant to their specific areas of work for improved GBV policies and practices. 

iCoP Objectives

  • Sharing experiences and good practices on the topic of GBV from different national CoPs and country contexts 
  • To connect national GBV SRHR CoPs to other international organisations interested in or working on the topic 
  • To increase the visibility of and interest in the topic of GBV within SNI and different hubs 
  • Disseminate the knowledge and best practices generated by the various CoPs on GBV  
  • To provide a moderated forum for cooperation and knowledge-sharing which encourages member participation, two-way learning, and creates opportunities to increase the impact of knowledge on GBV policy and practice  
  • To develop knowledge products that help to inform research agendas and promote the translation and uptake of knowledge both by policy makers and practitioners. 

Key iCoP Resources and Publications 

No knowledge Products have been produced yet 

Key Annual iCoP activities 

To be determined

iCoP launch date 

The iCoP on Gender Based Violence was launched in December 2022 

iCoP Contacts 

Share-Net Country Hub GBV CoPs 

Further to the iCoP, several Share-Net county hubs have their own established CoPs focusing on GBV. Below you can find overviews of each countries local or regional focus.


Share-Net Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, Gender based violence is a problematic that concerns the majority of women. These violences can be in many forms, including physical, moral or psychological, sexual, or related to cultural practices. To illustrate the fact, the prevalence of excision is estimated at 70% by demographic and health survey (EDS 2010) and more than 60% of women declare that they are victims of excision before 5 year old, and 53% of women aged between 25and 49 get married before their 18-year-old.

This situation is more difficult. In cause, the country faced terrorist attack since January 2016. The crisis has caused more 2000 deaths and increased internally displaced person. Most of internally displaced person are women and children and become doubly victims of gender-based violence. Governmental and non-governmental organization and associations have taken some actions to fight against gender based violence. They use many strategy like communication for behavior change, the implementation of policies and programs, support to the victims etc

With this diversity of intervention, Share Net Burkina Faso established a national community of practice on Gender based violence to discuss, share and use the different experiences in promoting the abandonment of gender based violence. The community of practice member’s are individuals or organizations with an interest in the topic


  • To strength the collaboration between actors working on GBV
  • To increase the interest of population in the topic of GBV
  • To ensure building capacity of member
  • To develop knowledge products that help to inform on GBV
  • To disseminate the knowledge and best practices on GBV
  • To ensure advocacy for improving policy and practice on GBV

Further CoP information

The CoP was launched in September 2022, and organises sharing experiences sessions of member activities, realises e-campaigns, disseminates GBV information, strengthens capacity-building, publishes information, and develops knowledge products. For more information about Share-Net Burkina Faso’s CoP, please contact OUEDRAOGO Ives – ivesyac@gmail.com

Share-Net Colombia

The Share-Net Colombia CoP explores gender-based violence in different contexts while translating knowledge on the subject for different audiences. It is made up of state officials, researchers, activists, students, and professionals with similar knowledge and interests.

Gender-Based Violence, where people are harmed due to their gender, is one of the most important social and public health problems in terms of sexual and reproductive rights in the region, in which women, girls and people with non-hegemonic identities are especially exposed. Consequently, the Community of Practice on Gender-Based Violence (VBG) aims to explore regional and local policies, as well as to promote and strengthen laws and other strategies that facilitate justice with gender equity, through the generation, exchange, appropriation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific evidence related to sexual and reproductive health and rights.


  • Exchange knowledge, recent publications, news about political or social context, and other resources with all the CoP members in frequent meetings, discussing ideas of new translation products or research opportunities related to GBV in Colombia.
  • Create, review, and provide feedback on knowledge product proposals like infographics, research proposals, literature reviews, and others.
  • Prevent GBV against girls, women and LGBTIQ+ people through knowledge dissemination, and generating incidence in national policy and practice to guarantee their rights.

Publications and Resources

Monthly panel sessions: these virtual sessions are open to the public, here the CoP members and guests discuss different topics related to gender-based violence. In 2022 we carried out seven panel sessions:


Three Comic episodes: “Stories to Unlearn Gender-Based Violence (GBV)”

    1. A day in Noah’s life
    2. A day in Jimmy’s life
    3. A day in Carolina’s life

National LGBTI Support Directory. It can be accessed through SN-CO digital library on our website.

Literature review on GBV in Latin America. It can be accessed through SN-CO digital library on our website.

Further CoP Information

Share-Net Colombia’s CoP on GBV has been active since August 2021, and holds periodic panel sessions which are open to the general public, where members and guests discuss different topics related to GBV. For further information, please reach out to Maria Salomé Mejía Ochoa, Knowledge Management Analyst – mariasalome.mejia@profamilia.org.co

Share-Net Ethiopia

Ethiopia has made remarkable progress in the last decade in the reduction of FGM prevalence among girls and women aged 15-49 from 74% in 2005 to 65% in 2016. However, Ethiopia is still home to 25 million circumcised women and girls. This accounts for the largest absolute number in Eastern and Southern Africa. Despite this progress, violence against women and girls is still a serious problem in Ethiopia and one which is fuelled by persistent gender-biased attitudes and practices. A 2016 Health and Demographic survey conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia suggested that nearly a third of women aged between 15 and 49 had experienced either physical or sexual violence.

It was within this context, Share-Net Ethiopia Members established the Gender Based Violence Community of Practice, in this Group many issues are discussed and messages transmitted in its Telegram channel. Future plans include the organization of GBV-related events to disseminate, translate Knowledge and exchange existing knowledge and to jointly apply for research funding.


  • To generate new knowledge and share experiences and knowledge to inform and influence research, policy and practice internationally as well as in the Ethiopia.
  • To consolidate, coordinate, improve and support the activities of all relevant stakeholders in the prevention of and response to GBV
  • To improve access to relevant information to support operations, advocacy and awareness rising needs of members through different trainings and workshops.

Further CoP Information

The CoP was launched in June 2022, and holds quarterly meetings and other trainings on GBV. For more information about Share-Net Burkina Faso’s CoP on GBV, please contact Semenhe Fekadu, CoP Facilitator, Share-Net Ethiopia semenhe@gmail.com

Share-Net Netherlands

The Share-Net Netherlands CoP aims to align with many initiatives already organised around this broad topic. The main goal of this CoP is to generate new knowledge and share experiences and knowledge to inform and influence research, policy and practice internationally as well as in the Netherlands. The CoP engages in discussions and exchanges to learn from each other about issues and challenges around GBV internationally, and plans include organising GBV-related events and applying for research funding 

The CoP organised its first thematic meeting in 2014 and has carried out various activities since then. In 2020, the CoP supported Share-Net Netherlands in their campaign during the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The CoP organised an online meeting in December 2020 to discuss the concept of sexual harassment in light of the new Dutch draft law on sexual crimes, and the SNNL CoP on GBV followed up on the event by creating a policy brief on sexual harassment in the Netherlands and recommendations for prevention. In 2021, the CoP set out to better understand the status of GBV reporting in Dutch printed media and published a report with findings drawn from interviews with Dutch journalists and a qualitative analysis of articles from eight national newspapers covering the time frame of March to September 2021. 

Currently, the CoP isn’t holding regular meetings. The members have been considering joining the existing Share-Net International GBV iCoP open to all Share-Net members from all countries to facilitate cross-country knowledge exchange. The CoP welcomes new members and encourages those interested,  based in the Netherlands, to reach out via email. 

CoP Publications

A Scoping Research on GBV in Dutch Printed Media

Further CoP information

The CoP was launched in 2014. For more information please reach out to Bless-me Ajani at b.ajani@it.nl  


Amie Ndong

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