Abortion and Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption


Share-Net Colombia

CoP Overview and Introduction

This Community of Practice brings together social organizations, public servants, and practitioners to promote the generation, exchange, appropriation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific evidence on safe abortion. Although in Colombia it is legal to have an abortion before the 24th week of pregnancy and it is acknowledged that being able to access freely and safely to abortions is a human right, people who decide to go through it still face multiple barriers such as the low availability of the service (mainly on rural areas), little information available about procedures and their legal status, high costs not only of procedures but also of mobilization to health centers or post-procedure care treatments, and strong stigmatization from family, friends or even healthcare providers. Not feeling safe when accessing an abortion, or not being able to afford it in any way, can lead people to seek clandestine methods, which in many cases are performed under poor safety and/or sanitary conditions.

Thus, a Community of Practice that promotes the generation, exchange, appropriation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific evidence on safe abortion, is established as a fundamental need for the promotion of reproductive health and sexual rights.

CoP Objectives

  • Exchange knowledge, recent publications, news about political or social context, and other resources with all the CoP members in frequent meetings, discussing ideas of new translation products or research opportunities related to safe abortion in Colombia.
  • Create, review, and provide feedback on knowledge product proposals like infographics, research proposals, literature reviews, and others.
  • Decrease the stigma around abortion, so that information and services are more easily distributed.

Key CoP Resources and Publications

  1. Literature review regarding abortion in Latin America. The document was created as a first resource for the new CoP members, it can be accessed through Share-Net-Colombia’s digital library on their website.
  2. Infographic: “How to know if an abortion procedure is performed under safe conditions”. It can be accessed through Share-Net-Colombia’s digital library on our website and it was published in our social media.
  3. Infographic: “Clarifying some beliefs about abortion and unwanted pregnancy: socioeconomic contexts and legality”. It can be accessed through Share-Net-Colombia’s digital library on their website and it was published in their social media.
  4. Infographic: “Legalization of abortion in Latin America”. It can be accessed through Share-Net-Colombia’s digital library on their website and it was published on their social media.
  5. Infographic: “Conscientious objection cannot be a barrier to access a Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy”. It can be accessed through Share-Net-Colombia’s digital library on our website and it was published on their social media.

Key Annual CoP activities

There are currently no annual activities planned.

Main CoP Information Page

To read more about Share-Net Colombia’s CoP on Abortion and Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption, please visit their main CoP information page.

CoP Launch Date

The CoP was launched in October 2021

CoP Contact

For more information about the CoP, please contact Laura Cala, M&E Analyst – laura.cala@profamilia.org.co