SRH&RR of Persons with Disabilities


Share-Net Jordan

CoP Overview and Introduction

Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH&RR) is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being for all individuals. However, persons with disabilities often face barriers in accessing SRH&RR services and information, and their specific needs and rights are often overlooked. The Share-Net Jordan hub recognizes the importance of inclusion and the rights of all individuals, and established the SRH&RR Information of Persons with Disabilities’ Community of Practice (CoP).

This CoP consists of 12 student members from the University of Jordan’s College of Nursing who are dedicated to addressing the SRH needs and rights of persons with disabilities and promoting their inclusion in healthcare services. As nursing students, the CoP members have a strong foundation in healthcare and are well-equipped to understand and address the unique SRH needs of persons with disabilities. They use the knowledge and skills gained through their education and in the CoP to provide the best possible care for individuals with disabilities. This includes understanding the specific challenges and barriers that persons with disabilities may face in accessing SRH&RR services and working to remove these barriers. The CoP members strive to raise awareness and educate others about the SRH needs and rights of persons with disabilities. They believe that by increasing knowledge and understanding, they can promote more inclusive and equitable healthcare services for all individuals. The CoP meets periodically but the challenge they face is the nature of their work as nurses which can sometimes disrupt their availability and connection with the group. However, they strive to overcome these challenges and continue working towards their goal of promoting the SRH&RR needs and rights of persons with disabilities.

CoP Objectives

  • To address and promote the SRH&RR needs of persons with disabilities through inclusive healthcare services, by ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to comprehensive SRH care that is tailored to their unique needs and rights, by identifying and removing barriers to access, and to promote more inclusive and equitable healthcare services for all individuals.
  • To apply knowledge and skills gained through the CoP to provide the best care for individuals with disabilities.
  • To raise awareness and educate others on the SRH&RR needs and rights of persons with disabilities, believing that increasing knowledge and understanding of the SRH&RR needs and rights of persons with disabilities is crucial for promoting inclusive and equitable healthcare services.
  • To produce and disseminate knowledge products, such as research papers, guidelines, and educational materials, to enhance awareness and understanding of the SRH needs and rights of persons with disabilities.

Key CoP Resources and Publications

 ‘Addressing SRH&RR Information and Education Needs of Persons with Disabilities from a Human Right-Based Approach

Key annual CoP activities

The CoP convenes regularly in different activities for the purpose of collaboration and enhancement of skills and knowledge.

Main CoP Information Page

To read more about Share-Net Jordan’s CoP on SRH&RR of persons with Disabilities, please visit their main CoP information page.

CoP Launch Date

The Cop was launched in November 2021

CoP Contact

For more information about the CoP, please contact Woroud Albtoush

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Woroud Albtoush

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