The Global Partnership Forum on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), co-convened by UNESCO and UNFPA, aims to consolidate knowledge management and share strategic information, good practice and research to inform stronger programming on CSE. This is implemented through a mobilized, active, and visible community of CSE advocates and actors, advancing political and social dialogue on CSE with an aligned voice. To advance this agenda, on 1-3 June 2022, UNESCO and UNFPA, on behalf of the Global Partnership Forum on CSE, will host a 3-day International Virtual Symposium.
Read more about the symposium here.
The deadline to submit your abstract is 6 April 2022.
Please note that only a part of the programme is decided through abstracts. Selection of successful abstracts will also take into account the need for regional balance, balance across the themes and balance in the types of stakeholders presenting (e.g. civil society, young people, government, etc.).