The World Health Organisation have launched a new abortion care guideline. The objective of this guideline is to present the complete set of all WHO recommendations and best practice statements relating to abortion. While legal, regulatory, policy and service-delivery contexts may vary from country to country, the recommendations and best practices described in this document aim to enable evidence-based decision-making with respect to quality abortion care.
Based on the latest scientific evidence, this consolidated guideline brings together over 50 recommendations spanning:
• clinical practice,
• health service delivery, and
• legal and policy interventions
To support quality abortion care, across the continuum of care, including:
• provision of information,
• abortion management (including for different clinical indications), and
• post-abortion care (including follow-up care, treatment of complications, and post-abortion contraception).
Read the full guideline here: WHO Abortion Care Guideline EN
Web annex A. Key international human rights standards on abortion
Web annex B. Technical meetings during guideline development
Supplementary material 1. Evidence-to-Decision frameworks for the law and policy recommendations
Supplementary material 2. Evidence-to-Decision frameworks for the clinical service recommendations
Supplementary material 3. Evidence-to-Decision frameworks for the service delivery recommendations and best practice statements